Monday, April 2, 2007

Which strategies are most effective for teaching and learning with technology?

It is at the point where technology should be applied in almost all of your lessons. It is being proven that students learn and understand the material that much more when they have the opportunity to use technology.
I have found that you can not go wrong when using technology as a learning resource. The only thing that can go wrong, is when you have your back to students and they play game or surf the web for material that they should be doing outside of class. The best thing to do is to set the classroom up so that all the students backs are facing you. That way you can always see what’s on their screens. I also believe that you should not always be so reliant on technology, as a health educator it is important to stress the importance of technology to their learning, but you need to also teach them that using technology is a problem. Being outside and being expanding your domains of health often does not include anything to do with technology. Technology is great for learning resources, but do not use it so much that the students are being taught to become to reliant on it.

How can you effectively integrate technology into your teaching and learning?

The best way to integrate technology into your learning is by allowing the students to do a majority of their learning through the use of technology. Like I said earlier, adolescents these days are so technology dependent, that is how they understand thing is through the use of it. Doing activities or research with technology is the best way for students to grasp the material.
During my three weeks at Madison, there were a few class that was spent using lap tops. I found the students were much more engaged in the material and discussion during those few class they used the internet as research, then the other classes. The students used; and they were in to the activities the website had and were excited about learning nutrition. Much more then in the previous week when they were just reading the chapters and discussing it the next class.

It is important that technology is implemented into the classroom now because of the

It is important that technology is implemented into the classroom now because of the growth it is taken in the real world. People are starting to rely on technology more and more, and because of this it is important that students are familiarized with it, and understand how they can use it as a learning tool. By the time the next generation becomes adult, most everything will have something to do with technology, so it is important that they get a base while they are in school.
I have found through my experiane that many students are so technology dependent, that they do not know what to do with out it. The world they are growing up in is far more advanced then what there parents grew up in, and to fit in with everyone else and to keep updated, they have become technology dependent. It also make’s their lives easier, as a lot of time is typically saved by using technology.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Chapter 10

Chapter 10
Chapter 10 discussed the many opportunities that are presented for students outside of the classroom. Sitting in a classroom is often difficult for students, especially when they want to be out doing stuff and finding out who they are. Ways that teachers can do this is by expanding the classroom and bringing in resources. Taking the students out on field trips or inviting a professional into the classroom is a great way for students to make a connection with real world applications. Introduce the students to other concepts, such as the professional fields that are connected to the subject. This may flare student’s interest and give them a stronger .

Chapter 9

Chapter 9
Chapter is about different ways to approach situations that go wrong. Teenagers go through a lot, and typically if one thing goes wrong, it affects everything else. Sometimes all they need is for someone to show that they care and give them a confidence booster. Students who have these bad days and go without being noticed on school, sometimes make decisions that they later regret, such as skipping class, or dropping out. It can be difficult to pay attention to all students, but if there are some that stop coming to class, then that’s when a teacher needs to take them aside and find out what’s going on. The most important part of dealing with students who are struggling is to never give up on them. It might not take much to change the mind of a student if they are shown a little support. These students will see how much you care and how bad you want them to succeed, which might be all the confidence and attention they need to turn it around.

Chapter 8

Chapter 8
Chapter 8 gave different methods educators can use when they have students who are still learning English in their class. The first thing that the teacher should do is get to know the students, and understand where they come from. Any way possible to communicate with these students about something that involves them will only show that you care, which will help there transition that much more and keep them from giving up during times of frustration. To go along with knowing the student, applying there cultures to the work will also help them understand it better. It will also give the other students an understanding of where that student is from and the different beliefs and styles they have towards that subject. It is extremely important that these students are not too overwhelmed, and that the educator understand when to push, and when to pull back. Observing, and talking with the students is critical, to make sure they are catching on, and not giving up. Educators need to have patience, and at times use baby steps so that these students will move forward.

Chapter 7

Chapter 7
Chapter 7 discusses how educators can teach difficult academic material. The most important thing to understand when teaching is the more the teacher shows they care, the more the students will care. It doesn’t matter the activities or how knowledgeable the teacher is in the content, if they show interest, and support the students, the students will give it back. This makes it particularly important when teaching difficult material; it important that the teacher and student create a partnership. The students can trust that they have something to gain from paying attention and doing the work. After the trust and partnership have been molded, it’s important that the educator understand what the students already know so that they do not cover anything outside of the academic limits. Educators also need to push the students thinking limits; this is how they improve their learning. By pushing them you are challenging them to understand and think about the material. It is also important to encourage active learning. It’s easy for student to give up on difficult work when their bored and do not understand it, active learning will encourage them to be involved. The last thing is make sure the students understand the material. Talk with the students and use different assessments to prove that they know the content.